Early Concepting ( 2017 - present )
Concept phase began a long time ago. With early designing stemming from issues that arose around close proximity to open air blades and limited use cases beyond cinematography, amusement and racing.
A multi-tiered approach was concieved to establish use cases within different sectors. After initial research into current market products (circa 2017) and publicly published development government applications. The current design was settled on after brainstorming a modular and expansive system that could be retrofitted for each users necessity.
The initial ..

The bellow attached USDZ model 
Makes it easy to view the last iteration on any iOS AR QuickLook enabled device.
Enlarging the model next to vehicle and walking inside it. 
Helps you to visualize the potential scalable applications beyond the standard paradigm.
Overall Goal
Modular Componentes 

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